Sod for Softball Donors

4842481 Manitoba Ltd ( Leanna) Brown Family Derlago, Steve & Arlene Forbes, Keith & Maxine
2000 Magic Team Brown, Erin Devliegre, Gord, Earl & Leanne Gauthier, Shaun & Meighan, Susan
2012 Magic Squirt B Team Budinski Holdings DJ San Diego Gebauer, Dennis - In Memory
2013 U14 B Team Burnett. Randy Dobson, Susan Jane Gessner, Alice
2013 U16 Magic Team Butler, Brock & Debbie Dobson-Golletz, Keay Glen, Tyler
2015 U14 Magic Team Butterfield, Val Doerksen, Diane Goepel (Laluk), Aynsly
2015 U16 Heat Team Cameron, Landon Doyle, Gary & Lorna Gregoire, Marilyn, Jeff & Tim
2016 U16 Heat Team Cameron, Murray - In Memory Dr Gilbert Lee Medical Centre Grubesic, John, Andy & Kyle
2016 U18 Heat Team Campbell, Don (Smokey) Dubois, Rae & Dwayne Gwynne, Scott & Marlo
2017 U16 Magic Team Cancade Company Ltd Dulux Paints Hart-Wolstenholme, Darlene
A Pet Lover's Warehouse Canfield, Jaucelyn Dunbar, Colin & Karen Heapy, Dick & Ivy
Allum, Barry and Diane Carberry Minor Ball Dunsmore, Dana Heinrich, Kristie
Anderson, Lon Caswell, Cathy, Caroline & Clarke Dyer, Ian & Lorrie Helwer, Reg
Andrews Agency Chambers, Al & Debbie Dyke, Scott & Leslie Hewlko, Brittany
Asher, D.L. Church, Ginny & Josh Earl, Gord Hilhorst, Cejay
  Cluff, Tannis & James Earl, Gwen Hole, Jennifer
Baker, Darin & Tina Cobbe Family Earl, Liz Holler, Wayne
Bartel, Brittany Cobbe, Glenna Eecol Electric Hotel, Cam
Bartlett, Ruth Cowan, Hugh Edmundson, Bob & Lois Hurton, Don & Jaquie
Bartley, Cassie Craigie, Dora Edwards, Bill & Norma Hutton, John
Bertholet, Adrien & Laurie Craigie, Doug - In Memory Edwards, Bill & Diane Innovative Plumbing & Heating
Birt Cup - Scott Hlady Critchlow, Cathy Edwards, Brittany & Dylan Janke, Terry & Pat
Bonar, Maureen Critchlow, Glen & Donna Edwards, Grandpa Bill Johnston, Alice - In Memory
Bonar, Moira Cruse, Stuart Eilers Family Johnston, Chris
Bortis, Chris, Shelly & Mackenzie Cummins, Leila Elite Safety Services Jonasson, Jen
  Curtis, Christine & Jason Ellis, Pala John Jones, Andrew, Sandra, Presley, Abby & Carter
Bouchard, B & J Cuvelier, Kaitlyn Everard, Darrell & Kathy Joshephson, Brian
Bouchard, Jaren Cyr, Erla, Gerri, Charisse, Tiffany, Cierra Everard, Diane Kalbery, Kathlene A
Boyle, Donna DeBeer, Cheryl Everard, Gary & Diane Kasprick, Linday & Family
Brake, Glen & Diane DeGroot, Lisa & Mike Feasby, Rick & Cheryl Kennedy, Chris
Brandon Police Clerical Unit DeGroot, Steve Fernandez, Dan Kerr, Maureen
Brandon Police Combat Pistol Club Denbow, Rhonda Fines, Brent & Angela Knight, Airdrie
Brandon Sewing Centre Denbow, Rita Fleury, Garry Kotowsky, Dale & Maureen
Brandon Sportsmen Hockey Derlago, Steve - In Memory Fleury, Kristen Kowall, D Jill
Kowall, Rob, Jill, Carly & Brodie McNish, Dennis Pascal, Dale Skinner, Tom & Jane
Kruk, Luanne & Brian McNish, Gary & Janie Patterson, Doug & Sandy Slator, Kaitlyn
Kyle, Keith McPherson, Jessie Phillips, Brittany Smith Michael
Labatt Pioneers McPherson, Nancy Pink, Pat Smith, Brayden
Laluk, Barbara Mealy, Ruth & Trevor Plante Family Smith, Brenda & Mark
Laluk, Craig Miller, Cara Porter, Lori Smith, Susan
Laluk, Jean & Scott Mitchell, Mabel Potash Corp of Canada Smith, Susan & Harley
Laluk, Laird MNP Social Committee Power Vac Services Snydar, Laurette
Laluk, Todd Morissette, , Matthew Pringle, Brent Solomon Family
  Morrison, Jim & Trudy Pringle, Craig & Denise Spooner, Kaden
Lawson, Brad & Patty Morton, Ingrid & Shawn Pringle, Del & Leona Spooner, Kevin
Lawson, Britt & Kristen Mott, Morris Pringle, Guy Stitt Family
Leech Printing Murray, Marlee Pringle, Wayne Stockdales Electric Motor Corp
LePage, Nettie Nay, Jim & Trudy Ramage, Curtis Stuart, Gina
Linden Lanes School Nelson, Donna Reimer, Shawn & Heather Stuart, Matt
Lonie, Ruth Nelson, Kevin & Fran Reykday, Kayla Thiessen, William & Deborah
Lyons Transmission Centre Nelson, Leonard Reynolds, Bryce Thompson, Melanie
Maendel, Katherine Nerbas, Ken Rice, Garth Thomson, Murray
Maluga, Lisa Nerbas, Lloyd & Bernice Richardson, Savannah Triple M Furniture
Manitoba Coyotes (2013) Neufeld, Ed & Jan Rolling, Lloyd & Lorna Turnbull, Karen
Maxon, Paul & Leathy Neufeld, Frieda Rolling, Mike & Jordyn Turner, Betty Ann - In Memory
McElroy, Bob Neufeld, John & Laurie Ryan, Mike Turner, Bob - In Memory
McGrath, Aiden Neufeld, Rick Ryckman, Laurie Turner, Teighan
McGrath, Bryan Nichol, Bill Schnieder, Ken & Lizann Turner, Tracy
McGrath, Shaun Nichol, Darlene Schoonbaert, Britany Tweed, Charles
McLennan, Kelsey Nichol, Jill & Milliken, Derek Seafoot, Judy Ursel, Megan
McLennan, Kevin Nicol, Garnett Shadlock, Jen Ursel, Taylor
McLennan, Mackenzie Noto, Dianne Shadlock, Rich & Sheila Vanteeling, Guy & Heather
McMillan, Kevin & Donna O'Greysik, Randy, Alana & Ali Shaw, Renie Vanteeling, Reagan
McMillan, Michelle Olisnevych, Luke Shejdar, Chris Vaslarakis, Tony
McNamee, Chloe & Taylor Olson, Nicki Shejdar, Chris Jr Veilleux, Chris
McNamee, Donald & June Olson, Pete & Bernice Shejdar, Lori Velvet Dip - Campbells
McNamee, Gord & Joan Park, David Shurvell, Kelvin Veysey, Tara & Glen
McNamee, Olga & Keith Parrott, Triss Skibo, Sandra Warkentin, Lise & Peter
Warren, Ed      
Westburne Electric      
Westman Mediation Services      
Westoba Credit Union  Heibert, Corny and Brenda in Memory of George Morrison    
White, Bill - In Memory  Orr, Keith and Brenda in Memory of George Morrision    
White, Brad      
White, Sean      
Williamson, Lizz      
Xtreme Mining & Demolition Inc      
Yanchcki, Riley      
Yanchycki, Cheryl      
Yanchycki, Darren      
Zenk, Rod      

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